Trudi Connaughton
Counselling & Psychotherapy

About Me
I’m a qualified and accredited Counsellor & Psychotherapist with IACP and adhere to their strict code of ethics.
I completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy with Turning Point Training Institute awarded by DCU in 2008. This course is a recognised/accredited course by IACP, IAHIP & EAIP.
I have both public and professional insurance and I’m garda vetted.

I worked within the Child Protection team of Tusla Child & Family Agency from 2005-2017, supporting children in care by facilitating contact visits with their birth parents. I also offered therapeutic support to birth parents, foster parents and children to support children’s care placements.
I volunteered as a counsellor in the low-cost counselling centre, Living Life Centre in Bray and Dun Laoghaire between 2007 and 2011.
I now work in private practice in Churchtown offering Counselling & Psychotherapy to Adults, Adolescents (11yrs to 21 yrs) and parents struggling with child related issues.